In the refitting process of the suspension system, the hard shock absorber should be matched with the hard spring, and the hardness of the spring is closely related to the weight of the car, so the heavier car generally USES a harder shock absorber.A device connected to a crankshaft to counter torsional vibration of the crankshaft.The principle of a punch shock absorber is similar.
I. cause analysis of vibration and noise of punch:
Causes of vibration in the working of the punch: unbalanced force of the rotating part (motor and flywheel);Unbalanced disturbing force of crank connecting rod mechanism composed of crankshaft connecting rod and punch;The impact force when the punch comes into contact with the work, the vibration force caused by the elastic shrinkage of the crankshaft and the column, etc.The vibration produced by the action of the previous several forces is not large. The vibration of the punch is mainly caused by the rebound effect of the crankshaft and the column deformation returning to the original state after the interaction force between the punch and the workpiece suddenly disappears at the moment of blanking.The vibration of the punch is mainly related to the size of the punch processing pressure, pressure by the crankshaft bears a large shear stress, the column pressure seat force is also large, each time when stamping elastic force is also large, so the punch tonnage is higher, stamping vibration is more intense.
Ii. Standards for vibration and noise reduction of punch machine:
Environmental quality standard
1、 GB10070-88《城市區域環(huán)境振動(dòng)標準》(工業(yè)集中區),即晝間75dB(A),夜間72 dB(A)。
1. Gb10070-88 environmental vibration standard for urban areas (industrial concentration area), i.e. 75dB(A) during the day and 72db (A) at night.
2. Environmental noise standards for urban areas gb3096-93 (class 3), 65dB(A) during the day, 55dB(A) at night.
3, the shock absorber is widely used, central air conditioning, automotive, fans, pumps, generator sets and many other equipment have been used.
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